I got my answers ......
I had shown faith in you.....
Pardon me .....My mistake.....
we strive all our lives to be with people.....
whom we want to trust us and !!!
And when we meet one such individual....
We ignore,discard, and avoid them...
Next step ie we force that person .....
To loose faith by our actions.....
And LO and BEHOLD One day.....
The same person is found.....
Saying this to a non- deserving individual.....
Things like believe me.....
Trust me, have faith in my deeds and words.....
But, a person with virtue is a mobile certificate.....
Who has never asked anyone to believe in him.....
Why since he has won the hearts of those around him.....
By never taking one step towards the wrong.....
So others speak for him.....
Isn't that an achievement too ?
But, dear friends I must here tell you ....
Why my mind was full of questions too.....
I do not believe in people changing.....
Personalities and behavioral patterns.....
In a day or say week or two.....
SO when some one.....
who had been bestowing you attentions.....
And admiring you starts cutting your calls....
Or not replying you when you send letters.....
You think which one is real?
The one that was in the past ?
Or the one that is in the present ?
And is there a different picture in the future too?
Then, you wonder all the dears , likes, compliments and.....
Things said before, were they thoughtfully said.....
Jus,t to create a favorable picture....
Or, were they heartfelt then?
Why, then would one believe anyone henceforth ?
What does faith and belief give you ?
Only disregard ? ignorance ? indifference?
Therefore, should one stop reciprocating ?
When he gets positive comments?
And heshe is taking them just in a friendly way?
When infact the other is showing inclination?
This person may just have respected his feelings ?
Thinking he is pretending just trying to impress?
Right now, the answer seems yes !!!
When this happens, multiple times, automatically.....
One is forced to join the group of diplomats.....
And start hiding his true self and.....
Start posing, acting, pretending.....
SO who is responsible for this change ?
One who showed faith or the one who .....
Intentionally was moving around with a robe and veil ?
This is how people change 10 times one may keep faith.....
Eleventh time he gets fed up just fed up.....
And wants to run away from being a simple believer !!!!!
.....N B
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